Wednesday, November 27, 2013

O Canada! I love thee.

I am proud to be Canadian. We have never started a war for our benefit, only ever fought in one, and never lost. We were in World War II even before the Americans joined, and in fact, we gained a unique title as a nation due to our performance in World War I. A Canadian invented the Ski-Doo and the resulting company now builds more commuter jets than any other company on earth. We are the main exporter of oil to the United States of America, which is the greatest consumer of oil on Earth. Canada designed the Canadarm, without which the space shuttle missions would have been impossible. Our country is peaceful and has no internal disagreements. We don’t have guns in every household. We have the largest French-speaking population never to surrender to Germany. Beat that. Ok, so it’s more Franglais. Wait. Franglais was a word in my Mac’s spell checker. What the hell? 'Anada!

If you want more on how awesome Canada is, check out the Rick Mercer Report on YouTube.

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