Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Devotion and Love

Today I would like to share a little story about true devotion.
When we purchased my dog in 2006, he immediately attached to my mum and hasn’t left her side since. During the summer, we visit our cabin at the lake. Every morning, my mother goes kayaking. The dog does not fit in the boat.
Instead of chasing squirrels, looking for scraps or barking at ghosts like he usually does when she’s around, while she is out kayaking, he sits and waits. He will not do anything but stare in the direction in which she departed. Our dog is completely hydrophobic, I have never seen him enter the water except for four occasions, and every one of those occasions was during the arrival of my mother. I think his attachment is amazing, humans don’t even display that kind of love sufficiently in my opinion.