Monday, November 11, 2013

Awesome Things

Some things are far too good to take for granted. Mind you, some reading this mot believe that all of these things are awesome, but at least some of this should bring out a smiles.
Starting with nature, my personal specialty. Think about a warm, temperate forest: you can just see a lake through the trees, the sun is high in the sky. You get back to your boat at the shoreline but opt for a quick swim in the deep, blue-black waters. They are cool and refreshing, and the silence is interrupted by the sound of the small waves colliding with the tree-covered water’s edge. Back on the boat, you find a nice peninsula that is exposed to get he heat of the sun, but it is no problem: a cool refreshing northerly breeze whispers across the lake. The mountains create and oil painting of reflection at the bow of the boat.
In the city, a sunset is just breaking out across the horizon. From the balcony of the restaurant where uo are enjoying your rich, creamy Atlantic Bisque with a crisp and fresh caeser salad. As the hue of reds and pinks spreads across the sky, you finish your dinner and get a cup of coffee to enjoy with you loved one, maybe a friend, a family member, boyfriend, girlfriend - you recall every great moment with them. Soon the skyline of the city becomes a silhouette against a navy blue sky, and the lights beginning dotting the sky scraper. The heat of the day lingers on the waterfront walk, where you enjoy an night time walk back to your car.
I hope this has been enjoyed by someone, I quickly threw it together on my tablet in Geography 12 - I’ve seen the episode of the birds of paradise looking like goofballs one too many times… Even for a nature lover. And that shows you how many times I’ve watched that (stunning) series.

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